Well done to Lucy Mc for completing the Norfolk 100km Ultra marathon.
In her own words:
Well I done it. Total miles 62. Got bit of a block at mile 12 but felt good at the end. Not sure how stairs are going to be this morning, by mile 47 they had already become interesting to tackle ????. So glad I done it. Thanks to everyone who came out and supported me. Kerrie for getting me along the dreaded shingle bank. The runts at Wells. My brother, Helen and Sylvie with their flags and banners, and finally my mum and dad who got me to the start and gave up their day topping me up with food and drink and tapping my smashed feet up. Andy and the kids were at the end which was so nice apart from when Connor tagged me and pretended to play it with me, cheeky chap. Now going to sleep and eat lots wearing my medal ????
Official Time: