Sunday 27th October: On a sunny but chilly morning Libby and Cam took part in the 5k Steeplechase at Blackwater farm. The route set off basically around the car park down a lane and then into the river. Once in the river it was a case of wading along it for several meters in waist deep water passing under a bridge. After leaving the river the route took them around part of the equestrian course of undulating grass fields, added to this one or two (or maybe more) obstacles to negotiate in the form of wooden fences. Towards the end of the course they were rewarded with carrying a pumpkin over fences and under a cargo net before depositing the pumpkin with a short sprint to the finish. Cam 14th place, Libby 17th place.
Official Times:
Cam – 38:27
Libby – 38:49