‘Do the Norwich Half’ they said! ‘The weather will be mild and clear’ they said!
Well, they fibbed! After a foggy drive to Norwich, that’s where the weather similarities to the 2018 Norwich HM ended. All was OK, not great, but OK until just after 10:15 (the allotted ‘get into your finish time start positions’ time). That’s when it started, just a few drops, and then it rained. Not heavy rain, but that annoying rain which just soaks you. This didn’t stop until about 12:00 which was enough time to make sure everyone was wet through and there wasn’t enough time to dry off before the end.
Even though the weather wasn’t great, the route was, as usual, scenic (when we could see it) and the hills still come as a surprise (I’m sure the ones at about 13km have grown since last year!).
A good turnout by the RntS with a couple of super PBs (Hayley W and Chris P). Well done guys.
Official Times:
Hayley W – 2:03:26
Mark – 2:12:22
Chris P – 2:27:09
Ceri – 2:27:57
Michelle – 2:39:25