Typical Responsibilities
- Support the efficient running of the club
- Chairing regular committee meetings and the Annual General Meetings (AGM)
- Helping others to understand their roles and responsibilities
- Recruiting new committee members, taking into consideration skills, experience and diversity
- Communicating with various members within the club
- Being actively involved in creating and following a Club Development Plan
- Representing the club at local and regional events
- Assist the club to fulfill its responsibilities to safeguard children at club level
- Ensuring an understanding of the legal responsibilities of the club to which the Club complies
- Taking responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Typical Responsibilities
- Being the first point of contact for club enquiries
- Organising and attending key meetings (including Annual General Meetings)
- Taking and distributing minutes
- Delegating tasks to club members
- Dealing with all correspondence
- Attending to affiliations
- Ensuring insurance is up to date and relevant
- Maintaining up to date records and reference files
- Arranging handover or succession planning for the position
- Taking responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Typical Responsibilities
- Managing the club’s income and expenditure in accordance with club rules
- Producing an end of year financial report
- Identifying a suitable individual to independently review the annual accounts, if required
- Regularly reporting back to the club committee on all financial matters
- Efficient payment of invoices and bills and payment of club membership fees to England Athletics
- Proposing amendments to annual and weekly subscriptions as appropriate
- Depositing cash and cheques that the club receives
- Keeping up to date financial records
- Arranging handover or succession planning for the position
- Taking responsibility for personal conflicts of interests and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Welfare Officer
Typical Responsibilities
- Assist the club to fulfill its responsibilities to safeguard children and vulnerable adults at club level
- Assist the club to implement its safeguarding children and vulnerable adults plan at club level
- The first point of contact for everyone where concerns about a children’s or vulnerable adults welfare, poor practice or abuse are identified
- Implement the club’s reporting and recording procedures
- Maintain contact details for the local children’s social care department, the police and local safeguarding children board
- Promote the club’s best practice guidance/code of conducts within the club
- Represent welfare on the club’s management committee
- Ensure appropriate confidentiality is maintained
- Promote anti-discriminatory practice
- Take responsibility for personal conflicts of interest and declaring, recording and managing these appropriately
Membership Secretary
Typical Responsibilities
- To keep club database up to date with list of contact names addresses and phone numbers of current members
- To deal with new/current membership queries
- To administer new/renewing members details and file away
- Forward on all registrations to appropriate county/territorial/ national bodies
- To bring to the attention of the committee, members to whom monies are outstanding
Website Editor
Typical Responsibilities
- To keep an up to date list of contact names addresses and phone numbers and positions held by of all key staff and all committee members on website
- Website to be kept updated on a regular basis re competitions, results, Member achievements and club news etc…
- Knowledge of modern web standards, performance optimisation techniques, accessibility techniques and search engine optimisation would be an advantage
- To coordinate the online communication channels (Website, Facebook) for the club
- Renew domain name registration and hosting for the club website yearly
- Maintain the club website software, including the capture and storage of backups
- Censor, as necessary, online abuse and comments which breach the Club Code of Conduct
- Report to the secretary on all issues pertaining to online breaches of Club Code of Conduct
- To be an active member of the Management Committee
Clothing/Kit Officer
Typical Responsibilities
- Deal with our kit suppliers, sourcing and placing orders as required
- Storage of stock and handling members’ kit orders and payments
- Review suppliers on a regular basis (present to the committee when applicable)
- Review and source new kit items/kit design
- Manage payments and pay in to the Treasurer
- Conduct regular stock checks of the kit (present to the committee when applicable/AGM)
Events Coordinator
Typical Responsibilities
- Coordinate and help facilitate club social events with the assistance of a volunteer team
- Coordinate any fundraising events for the club with the assistance of volunteers
- Manage club charity nominations at the club AGM
- Act as the main point of contact with any club charity
- Work with the Press Officer on web/FB posts and newspaper articles
- Work with the Club Coach to provide input on training for races and selection
- If required in the future, lead a race management sub-team and invite club members to participate so as to have sufficient organisational coverage for any club races (e.g. marshals, catering team, HQ oversight)
- Ensure that races are properly advertised well in advance to ensure full participation
- Regularly update the committee