After a conversation with Sean Lynn he very kindly offered £50 as a challenge for what we considered the better performance over 5k. This was to be donated to the charity of their choice.
We then decided between us that we would make donations of our choice to take part.
The money raised was unanimously decided to give to Grocott & Murfit’s endeavor to supply meals to the vulnerable around Fakenham during the lock down.
17 of us contributed however a few couldn’t run for various reasons.
Out of the runners there were great times returned by Gill Beswick (PB), Emily Seeber (PB), Michelle Perry (PB – treadmill) and Paula Smith (chased by Steve).
However we gave best performance to Chloe Fisher who knocked 2 mins of this years 5k time.
Her choice of charity was St Martins for the homeless in Norwich who received £50.
G & M received £235 from us, club member Daniel Grocott is MD.
– Paul Woodhouse