EAMA 10k

EAMA 10k

A really well organised and marshaled event across open country roads with great views. If you like hills (and the possibility of strong winds) you will love this one!

Not a PB potential but definitely one worth doing.

Thanks again to Francesca for the track side support and photos.

Official Result:
Will – 48:17.0

Will EAMA 10k

Will EAMA 10k

Bonfire Burn 10K, Houghton XC & East Coast 10K

Bonfire Burn 10K

Paul, Paula, Nita and myself had a most enjoyable Sunday morning 10k at Histon near Cambridge.  Our day started with a wonderful brass band playing, then at 10:33 we all set off in wave 2.  Though the start was congested, after the first km we were soon on our way. The weather was good for running though  windy conditions between 6 – 9 km made it challenging as the buses went quickly past on the tramlines. The final km on grass made it slippery in places, but it never stopped being fun!  The stewards were friendly and supportive and the person on the microphone enthusiastic!!  Fun was had by all and we collected a lovely wooden medal and bought refreshments from the Scouts. I would recommend this run for others.

Report by Rob Jackman

Official Chip Results

Rob J – 49:01
Paul – 49:48
Paula – 51:44
Nita – 1:00:47

Houghton 5 mile XC (Club Champs Event)

A team of 6 RntS took to the grounds of Houghton Hall on Sunday, competing in the 5mile XC Race. This was my first time doing the race and I was aware of the course being described as ‘mud fest’, ‘cow pats’ and ‘the awful dyke’ . With the amount of rain in the build up to the race I was certainly expecting to get muddy. But I was wrong! The ground was relatively dry, bar areas of long damp grass, and there was no mud or cow pats of any significance. This may have been due to the course being changed at the last minute however it saved me a job as my spikes which were still bearing mud from my last XC race in March, came out nice and clean and shiny which was a welcomed bonus! Overall the course, in my opinion, was mainly flat with 2 technical sections- one being in the wooded area with some short steep drops and then a U- bend section which had large wooden steps to go up! I cant say I have ever been in a XC race with steps before! It certainly disrupted your rhythm and gave you ‘thigh burn’ as described by Mark who didn’t seem too impressed at having to climb the stairs one extra time then on previous races! Other than that it was longish stretches of grassy terrain and a stretch of a sandy gravel path which gave you opportunities to stride out and pick up the pace. It was a 4 lap course which can be either a good or bad thing depending on how you feel!

Leading the club home was Liam Dawson as he continues his fine form. Liam crossed the line in 7th place overall and also picked up 3rd place for the golden oldies (veterans). Not far behind Liam was Cat, finishing in 9th place overall and 1st female .  Cat was more pleased that she was classed as a senior than a veteran – every cloud! At the younger end of the spectrum, Cam had a solid run coming home in 32nd place. Bob Lyddon crossed in at 39th place and running partners Mark Riseborough and Vikki Powles crossed the line in 62nd and 63rd place.

A big shout out to Pete Alder who gave up his morning to take photos – they are a great set of snaps!

A classic XC race, friendly and well organised. It was a shame the field was quite small however it did clash with several other races. Personally, I prefer XC running as it is off road and is a great strengthening discipline, so for me there is no such thing as a ‘bad’ xc race as even if you may not finish as high up as you hoped, you will still be gaining a good strength session.

Report by Cat Foley-Wray

Official Chip Results

Liam  – 37:08.9 – 3rd male veteran
Cat FW – 37:51.4 – 1st female overall
Cam –
Bob L – 46:56.4
Mark – 1:02:17.2
Vikki – 1:02:17.5

Runners-next-the-Sea male overall team result – 2:10:00.1 – 3rd


East Coast 10K

Having heard good things about last year’s event from Kirsty I was not disappointed.

The course is 1.5 laps by the beachfront which is lovely and flat with the only real obstacle being the wind and the odd slippery surface. Well organised and great support from the marshalls. Definitely a PB potential course! Thanks to Kirsty for driving and Francesca for the track side support.

Report by Will Ayley-Dodd

Official Chip Results

Will – 00:47:24.4 – PB
Kirsty L – 00:57:40.4 – PB

Weavers Way Ultras, Town & Gown 10k, Shouldham XCGP1 & Great Eastern Run HM

Weavers Way
Official Results:
Andy – 50km – 7:39:47
Lucy – 50 miles – 11:03:58 – 2nd Female

Town & Gown 10k
Official Results:
Michelle – 1:00:10.7
David S – 1:10:27.5

Shouldham XCGP1
Official Result:
Lynne – 32:29

Great Eastern Run
‘The club sent ripples out across the border to Cambridgeshire, with 5 members (Alex, Andrew, Bob, Hayley, Marie) travelling to Peterborough for the Great Eastern Run Half Marathon. It was a chilly morning, with the temperature hovering around 4C on the drive over, causing some debate about the donning of base layers or not. However, the sun was out, there was just a light breeze and it was dry – excellent running conditions. The race actually started on time, unlike the previous few years. There are some who believe that the legacy start time problem was a jinx caused by the presence of Andy P. The fact that Andy was not there this year may, or may not, support this view. We all enjoyed the run immensely and were very chuffed with our times, including multiple PBs. The run goes through mainly residential areas of Peterborough and suburbs to the North of the city and the support on the streets from local residents was amazing and very motivational. Photographs show happy, smiling, RntS but, the medal shot was of a depleted group – we had lost Alex and Andrew at this point, with some suspicion that they had so enjoyed it that they were running the course again. Essentially, a cracking outing !

For anyone in the club who has not run a half marathon, but is considering doing so, I would thoroughly recommend this race as a starting point – it was my first half last year. The course is predominantly flat, with just a handful of minor, gentle, inclines, making pacing yourself straightforward. The support around the course is incredible and really helps you keep going if struggling. The route goes through some lovely parts of the city, including, this year, the Cathedral grounds. The logistics work smoothly, including parking close to the start/finish – and, if Andy P is not there, the race starts on time.’


Official Results:
Bob H – 1:47:10.1
Andrew T – 1:47:46.0
Alex W – 1:48:09.9
Marie P – 2:00:22.8
Hayley – 2:05:47.6

Royal Parks Half Marathon & Marriot’s Way 10k

Royal Parks Half Marathon

‘Lucy and I both entered the ballot last year, it is a run that we have both wanted to take part in for a while.  We were both successful and looked forward to the race.  We were not expecting it to be one of the hottest October days, but we were both looking forward to the route and running round the Royal Parks.

It was a 4:30am start for us to make sure we got to the race start on time.  The atmosphere at the event village was very relaxed which always makes me calm at the start of a race, we did not have too much hanging around and a 9:30 start was a nice time of day to start.  We got into our start pen and proceeded to walk to the start, this is not a big race compared to other London Races, a maximum of 16,000 people.  The race started and we headed off to Buckingham Palace, for those of you who have heard me talking about my London marathon experience, I failed to see Buckingham Palace at the end!!  I did not miss it this time as we ran passed it twice, we did a loop out and saw some sights, Big Ben, the London Eye, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, then headed up the Mall back towards Buckingham Palace, it felt very special running up the Mall.

We then went back into Hyde Park where the race started, this was the half way point and I mentioned to Lucy that we still had over 6 miles to go and not sure how we were going to fit it in, I need not have worried, the park is huge and a lovely place to run around, lots of weaving around and seeing other runners, trying to work out where we were going next.

The support around the whole course was fantastic and the volunteers were great, although I will point out that Lucy got a huge amount of support and cheering and I got very little, it became a running joke every time a spectator shouted ‘Come on Lucy’!  The race finished in the park running next to the Royal Alberts Hall.  I would highly recommend this run to anyone, such a lovely route and so much to see.  It is definitely my favourite half, made all the more better by getting to finally run around London with Lucy.’


Official Times:
Lucy Mc – 02:29:25
Kerrie – 02:29:25

Marriott’s Way 10k

Official Times:
Will – 0:49:03.8
John – 0:54:49.8
Marie P – 0:57:03.3
Debbie – 1:06:04.9
Chloe – 1:20:13.6

Norfolk Gazelles Big Stampede & Felbrigg Trail 10k

Norfolk Gazelles Big Stampede

‘Oh my!  What a fun event and a great turn out from the club.  Having never done this event before, I was a little nervous as I didn’t want to let my team mates down.  I know we all said we were going to ‘just enjoy it’ but we all gave our utmost.  My team consisted of me running the first leg (and I must say, I was very happy with my time, my fastest 5k in in over 32 months!), Jenny, Vikki and Cat C.  Everyone did brilliantly.

With 8 teams involved, and extra club members in attendance, the support was superb as you rounded the bend by the club gazebos three times (once each lap).

The weather was hot and humid, but didn’t rain like it did last year (I wasn’t there, but have been told it was awful).  The terrain was firm, although a few patches had been resurfaced so were a little loose under foot.

Once again, the club showed it’s true colours by joining Catherine and running the last few laps to give her support.  The cheers from the marshals and remaining runners won’t be forgotten by anyone who was there.

Would I do it again?  Yes, I think I would!’


Official Results:
Team:  Speedy Rnts
Total Time: 01:24:08
Individual Times:
Shane – 21:48.3
Ant – 21:51.0
Kevin H – 19:36.8
Andrew S – 20:44.6

Team:  Better Lace Than Never
Total Time: 01:25:44
Individual Times:
Liam – 19:47.1
Tara – 21:42.1
Will – 22:25.4
Ana – 21:46.2

Team:  Runners With No Name
Total Time: 01:28:13
Individual Times:
Stuart G – 23:10.0
Stuart W – 22:06.9
Kirsty D – 20:27.9
Alex W – 22:21.8

Team:  Just for Fun
Total Time: 01:29:00
Individual Times:
Paul – 22:48.7
Lorraine – 21:41.2
Rob J – 22:44.0
David R – 21:39.2

Team:  Three Ladies & a Photographer
Total Time: 01:52:00
Individual Times:
Hayley – 29:26.6
Lucy Mc – 26:18.4
Hayley – 28:48.0
Pete – 27:11.2

Team:  The Three Amigos (and that other chap)!
Total Time: 01:54:58
Individual Times:
Mark – 28:53.5
Jenny – 31:18.1
Vikki – 28:47.7
Cat C – 25:45.0

Team:  It seemed like a good idea at the time
Total Time: 01:59:43
Individual Times:
Lucy J – 32:31.9
Francesca – 30:48.0
Zoe – 27:10.6
Nita – 28:58.7

Team:  Ladies What Pootle
Total Time: 02:24:49
Individual Times:
Tasha – 36:43.4
Gill – 38:47.0
Candy – 35:04.0
Catherine – 33:58.4


Felbrigg Hall Trails (10k)

Official Results:
Sarah B – 1:13:45.1
Ceridwen – 1:15:36.2

RntS 2 Mile Handicap 2

The final handicap of the year as we finish the summer season for training.  Another great turnout with 40 club members running.  Thank you to Kevin S, Evette, Chris, Ceri and Lucy for volunteering (not an easy task in the fading light).

Here is the table of results in finishing position order.  You can also sort in name, predicted and finish time order.  You’ll also notice a column with the difference between predicted and actual finish time (not sortable due to plugin  limitations) .  A combined table at the bottom of the page shows Run 1 and Run 2 for comparison.

Well done everyone. 👍

PositionNameActual TimePredicted TimeDifference
6Chris L16:3218:40-02:08
16Lucy J20:4721:56-01:09
23Andrew S13:1612:21+00:55
31Denise L24:5525:00-00:05
34Andrew T14:4714:41+00:06
39Laura W17:4816:57+00:51
40Angie H22:1521:17+00:58

The combined table:

NameRun 1Run 2
David C12:23
David R13:02
Kevin H13:17
Bob H14:47
Rob J15:12
Angie B20:40
Andrew S12:2113:16
Andrew T15:5014:47
Chris L18:1016:32
Bob L16:5917:05
Marie P18:5317:43
Laura W17:1817:48
Lucy J20:47
Angie H22:15
Denise L24:55

Run Sandringham 10k, Bure Valley 10 Mile, Robin Hood Half Marathon & Norfolk Coastal Marathon/Half Marathon

Run Sandringham 10K

‘What a lovely day for Sandringham 10K, it started out a little drizzly but that soon cleared up.  This race is popular with RntS and locals alike so it was very busy at the start, getting into the car park was particularly challenging for lots and so the start had to be delayed while everyone got in and parked.

The car park challenge, loo queues (which were actually quite quick) and the 2 wave start also meant that we didn’t get the chance for a pre-race photo of everyone.

I love this race and course, the only bit that was not enjoyable last year was a short out and back section that was added just to make up the distance, this year they adjusted the start and finish points to remove this section which was great.  It’s a multi terrain course of grass, gravel path, tarmac and woodland trails which can be a bit tricky with some tree routes and uneven sections.  I almost came a cropper on an uneven section on a steepish downhill through the woods but fortunately managed to right myself – phew!

There was lots of support out on the course from fabulous marshals including Lucy H, our own personal photographer Pete and other RntS out to support – thank you all.  I enjoyed a gentle trot round and got the full benefit of faster RntS finishers supporting and cheering at the finish too.’


Official Results:
Tara – 00:46:56.9
Kevin S – 00:48:26.5
Andrew T – 00:49:12.6
Will – 00:50:02.9
Stuart G – 00:50:12.8
Malcolm – 00:52:24.3
Chris L – 00:56:55.0
Michelle – 01:03:37.2
Denise S – 01:04:22.2
Mark – 01:05:19.9
Vikki – 01:05:20.6
Debbie – 01:07:11.9
Francesca – 01:07:38.8
Lesley – 01:09:30.2
Catherine – 01:13:28.1
Christine  – 01:22:37.0
Cammille – 01:23:19.1
Angie – 01:25:29.6

Bure Valley 10 mile

Unofficial Results (Strava):
Lucy Mc – 01:35:10
Marie – 01:35:38
Kirsty L – 01:48:10

Robin Hood Half Marathon

Official Results:
John – 02:28:22

Norfolk Coastal Half Marathon (Saturday 23rd September 2023)

Official Results:

Jimmy 01:31:50
Kyle 01:37:43
Shane 01:48:14
Ceri 02:47:18

Norfolk Coastal Marathon (Saturday 23rd September 2023)

Official Results:

Lucy M 05:24:16
Kirsty L 05:44:26

Round Norfolk Relay 2023

A response from Kerrie who helped co-ordinate the club’s first ever entry into the Round Norfolk Relay.
17 Stages – 198 Miles
Cycle Support – Car Support
Time Keepers – Awesome Team Organisers
“A huge thank you to everyone who helped make the Round Norfolk Relay a big success. To all those who came out and watched at various stages and changeover points, the support crew of cyclists and car drivers for keeping all the runners safe, not an easy job on the Norfolk roads with some impatient drivers and to all the runners who had nerves to start with, excitement and the willing to run some crazy distances and at various times of the day. Each stage had its challenges and you all did such an amazing job.
Without each and every one of you Lucy and I could never have been able to pull off such a successful event.
I love seeing all the photos, the emotion, happiness and exhaustion – such great memories for the club of our first RNR.
We should be so proud, I see us as a small club (compared to many of the Norwich clubs) and we managed to not only put together a team of 17 runners, but a vast support crew too, not easy when you are asking somebody to drive for 2 1/2 hours during the night at a runners pace.
Lucy and I are very grateful to you all.
Shall we do it all again next year – 100% YES”
Official Results:
Stage 1: Kings Lynn to Hunstanton – Ana – 2:15:16
Stage 2: Hunstanton to Burnham Overy – Lorrain – 1:54:33
Stage 3: Burnham Overy to Wells-next-the-Sea – Cam – 50:59
Stage 4: Wells-next-the-Sea to Cley – Shane – 1:38:20
Stage 5: Cley to Cromer – Kyle – 1:29:03
Stage 6: Cromer to Mundesley – Will – 1:04:15
Stage 7: Mundesley to Lessingham – Stuart – 1:14:05
Stage 8: Lessingham to Horsey – Kevin S – 59:17
Stage 9: Horsey to Belton – And – 2:07:36
Stage 10: Belton to Earsham – Andy – 2:58:53
Stage 11: Earsham to Scole – Kevin H – 1:34:05
Stage 12: Scole to Thetford – David C – 2:24:17
Stage 13: Thetford to Feltwell – Tara – 1:44:27
Stage 14: Feltwell to Wissington – Alex – Stage cancelled due to police incident
Stage 15: Wissington to Downham Market – Gemma – 1:37:45
Stage 16: Downham Market to Stowbridge – Anna – 47:13
Stage 17: Stowbridge to Kings Lynn – Rob – 1:38:04
Total Time: 26:18:08