Holt 10k

What started as an overcast morning lead to muggy and humid running conditions for my 1st time running the Holt 10k, well organised and marshaled by the NNBR.

Starting off from Gresham’s school with the knowledge that I would be running back on some parts of the course made me aware to take note of the downhills which would ultimately become uphill on the return.

The road gave way to track, not dissimilar to the first long stretch of Holkham parkrun and I knew not to lose my momentum. The heat in the air became more apparent along the track as it was dusty, and a brief respite was a breeze at each gateway.

Then back onto the road with the gorse as lovely scenery, and a very welcome water station before tackling a gradual but lengthy uphill. It was good to support and be supported by fellow RntS running and it kept morale up!

Finally on to the main road again, and, although more uphill, a very welcome head wind!

The 800m sign was also a welcoming sight and I still had a little bit left for a sprint finish.

Well done everyone and thanks to all those who came to support & cheer. ?

Kirsty (Holt 10k runner no. 233)

Official Times:
Paul – 47:42.0
Amanda Ma – 49:11.5
Cam – 49:31.7
Paula – 49:41.9
Stu – 54:39.8
Glyn – 54:43.3
Bunny – 55:38.0
Chris L – 56:58.7
Hayley J – 58:27.1
Allison – 1:00:37.1
Kirsty – 1:00:42.8
Libby – 1:01:44.2
Keith – 1:02:09.6
Chris P – 1:03:37.0
Ceri – 1:03:58.1
Jodie H – 1:04:48.6
Sophie – 1:05:15.4
Lynne – 1:14:49.9

Parkrun Takeover 2019.1!

The first Holkham parkrun takeover this year will be on the 22nd June. Here is the list of volunteers so far:

Chris Palmer – run director
Ceri Howell – volunteer coordinator
Teresa Abel – timekeeper 
Vikki Powles – timekeeper 
Emma Stickley- barcode scanner
Nikki Crossman – barcode scanner
Mat Eyre – finish tokens
Lucy Fox – finish token support
Kirsty Lack – marshal
Nur K-H – marshal
Lisa Twyford – marshal
Bunny Cook – marshal
Angie Barker – tailwalker

Cam Raven – 24 mins
Ambie Wright – 26 mins
Cat Cameron – 28 mins
Mark Riseborough – 30 mins
Hayley Wright 32 mins
David Sharp – 34 mins
Chris Lubbock – 36 mins
Robert McPaul – 38 mins
Angie Barker – tail walker

Thetford Trails Summer Series – Race 1

A great write-up by Hayley W:

It was a warm evening in the shade of the beautiful Thetford forest. The first of the summer series trail 10k’s also happened to be Amberly’s first official 10k. She coped well and literally left me for dust after 1k. The course was a lot tougher than we both imagined, dusty sandy hills were a bit of a challenge. The sound of the cuckoo was a pleasant distraction on an otherwise quiet supporter free course. Amberly is now eager for more with sub 50 in her sights.

Hayley W (Thetford Trails runner)

Official Times:
Ambie – 54:21 (2nd in age category)
Hayley W – 58:27

RntS 5K Track Challenge at Lynnsport

What a fantastic evening and turnout for the 5K track challenge (maybe the first of many?). Over 40 club members attended with 38 running.

Conditions were spot-on, very little wind, not too hot (although it did warm up when the sun came through) and dry. Two groups of runners set off at different times for what, to many of us, seemed a quite intimidating event!

In the end, I found that the time just vanished and it was over before you knew it.

Amazingly, in an open space, GPS seemed a little bit erratic with some GPS trackings finishing at before 5K, with others way past it. But, thanks to working a buddy system where another runner counted your laps, we all know that we did 5K (AKA 12.5 laps!).

Very enjoyable in the end and a good show from everyone with a number of fastest 5Ks in the bag!

NameRecorded Time
Ant Cude19.19
Abbi McCallum20.29
Rob Jackman20.46
Jack Woodhouse21.16
Paul Woodhouse21.51
Cam Raven22.13
Hayley Murfit22.14
Amanda Marshall22.43
Reece Dumphreys22.48
Paula Smith23.05
Lorraine Hunt23.21
Amberly Wright23.36
Cat Cameron23.57
Stu Cameron25.05
Chris Lubbock25.35
Mark Riseborough25.43
Roland Bewick26.17
Chris Palmer26.38
Hayley Wright26.44
Susie Towning26.55
Hayley Jones27.35
David Grant27.49
Keith Beswick28.12
Natalie Sayer28.37
Nita Jackman28.50
Sophie Defew28.56
Jodie Harvey28.59
Ceri Howell29.00
Jane Heasman30.19
Kerrie Coslett30.28
Emma Stickley30.48
Shirley Browell32.39
Nikki Crossman34.37
Teresa Abel34.52
Denise Leeder34.57
Gill Bewick36.53

Chase the Train and Sublime Swaffham 10k

A couple of running events with club members taking part today:

Well done to Cam who took part in the 8.9 mile Chase the Train run at the Bure Valley Railway (it looks like he did it!). Super running Cam!

A brace of RntS decided to venture almost to the opposite side of the country from Cam to take part in the Sublime Swaffham 10k. Well done Paul and Charlotte. Top efforts all round.

Official Time:
Cam – 1:12:45.7

Official Times:
Paul – 47:15.6
Charlotte – 1:09:34.3

Rnts 2 Mile Handicap 2019 – Run 2

Here are the results of the latest 2 mile handicap (in preparation for the 5k track challenge). Congratulations to Suzie for being right on target.

NameRun8 130519
Alison B18.09
Amanda Ma14.42
Ben H14.41
Chris L16.19
Chris P16.46
David B17.24
David S17.44
George S14.57
George W14.56
Hayley J18.09
Jodie H18.46

Moonwalk and Race for Life

Well done to Shirley and Nikki who both took part in major fundraising events this weekend.

Nikki in the 10k Race for Life in Norwich and Shirley in the 26 mile Moonwalk in London.

Well done ladies. Fantastic work for very good causes.

Dereham 10 Mile Race

Blue skies and sunshine, very different to yesterday and a lovely morning for the RntS who took part in the Dereham 10 Mile race. (Maybe a tad too warm – it certainly was whilst standing at the 5.5 mile point).

A brilliant showing from the trio of ladies today, well done.

Official Times:
Paula – 1:21:35.7
Hayley W – 1:32:41.6
Kirsty – 1:43:53.0

GEAR 10k – King’s Lynn

Usually, it’s not too difficult to herd a bunch of RntS into one spot, but when there’s upwards of 3000 people in a small(ish) market place and around 2500 of those are in running gear, you can’t sometimes see the wood for the trees!

Hence, when the photos appear, you’ll note that some RntS are in one or both of the group pictures, but we didn’t manage to get one of everyone together.

This year the weather was much kinder that the scorching heat of last year (although at points it was rather warm today). Thanks to that there were some very good times from members including a few PBs.

Today also heralded the first ever test of the ‘Full Club Kit, Holiday and Body Bag, Bag Drop Bag!’

Official Times:
Cat – 51:07
Roland – 52:44
Hayley W – 53:08
Natalie – 54:39
Hayley J – 57:54
Mark – 57:54
Tasha – 1:00:02
Sara – 1:02:00
Helen – 1:03:21
Angie – 1:08:51
Teresa – 1:14:08
Denise – 1:14:08
Gill – 1:18:30

ABP Newport Wales Marathon & 10K

Great running by Ceri and Chris P who went to their ancestral home to take part today in the Newport Marathon (that will be 2 in 8 days!) and 10K, respectively. It’s a good job that they’ve been doing hill training (even if it was just to get to the start line!)

Official Times:
Ceri – 5:32:57
Chris P – 56:13